Episode 276 Dave Morrow Canadian Vet Talks Fitness And Helping Veterans Become Harder To Kill Transcript

This transcript is from episode 276 with guest Dave Morrow.

Scott DeLuzio: [00:00:00] Thanks for tuning in to the Drive On Podcast where we are focused on giving hope and strength to the entire military community. Whether you’re a veteran, active duty, guard, reserve, or a family member, this podcast will share inspirational stories and resources that are useful to you. I’m your host, Scott DeLuzio, and now let’s get on with the show.

Hey everybody. Welcome back to the Drive On Podcast. Today my guest is Dave Morrow. Dave is a Canadian military veteran and host of the Hard To Kill Podcast. He’s, I think, the second or third Canadian I’ve had on the show. So we’ll be talking a lot about fitness and how you. It can also become hard to kill and we’ll probably be making fun of each other’s accents a bit too, and some other, uh, jokes that we’ll be throwing each other’s way.

So welcome to the show, Dave. I’m glad to have you here.

Dave Morrow: Yeah, absolutely. Thanks Scott. Uh, it’s always a pleasure to, uh, hop on and a fellow podcasters veteran Army podcasters, uh, [00:01:00] podcast. And like I was saying, it’s, it’s always good to be on the other end of the podcast just to kind of mix it up. If for me it’s.

It’s a lot easier in the sense that’s like less prep. I can just talk about me.

Scott DeLuzio: Yeah. And focus. That’s the focus of this right now. It’s, it’s you, uh, we’re we’re talking about you and kinda flipping the script for the, the host of a podcast. It’s, it’s, sometimes it’s a little bit different being the, on the other end of the mic and, and getting the.

Questions thrown at you, but it’s kind of cool. I, I’ve, I’ve done it a number of times. I’ve been on your podcast as well. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So, um, you know, for the listeners, go check that episode out. Um, you know, but we, we’ve, we do this all the time. We, we swap podcasts and it, it’s, it’s really a cool thing to do.

So, um, four of the listeners who maybe aren’t familiar with you, um, could you tell us a little bit about yourself? Absolutely.

Dave Morrow: So, like you said, I am a retired member of the Canadian Armed Forces. I was a reservist. In the infantry here, and I always need to explain a little bit about our [00:02:00] structure here in Canada.

It’s a little bit different than reserves in the, in the states we have regiments. Based off the old school British system. And I, I was literally part of a unit that like wore this stuff. But this is, this is me in wood form. So if, uh, if you’re familiar with the changing of the garden in the uk, our, my unit was the Canadian version of that, the Canadian Grenadier Gardens.

So it couldn’t be any more stereotypical British. And that’s what I did for 15 years. I did a lot of, Ceremonially in Ottawa, we do Changing of the Guard. We do like the Palace Guard, if you want to call it. So we are there at the Governor General’s residence. We do century shifts, stuff like that. Remain.

We’re. Our claim to fame was we were Canada’s number two, tourist attraction, number one being Niagara Falls. So we’re like, yeah. Yeah.

Scott DeLuzio: It’s kinda hard to compete with that. I mean, yeah,

Dave Morrow: yeah, [00:03:00] yeah. Niagara Falls is pretty beautiful. I, I, I, yeah. Being second to that isn’t, isn’t so bad. Right. But we’re also an infantry unit, and when Afghanistan kicked off, and for us it was like 2000 and.

Three. We started sending guys, uh, correct me if I’m wrong, I think it was 2003. We started sending guys overseas around there. And, uh, I realized, oh crap, this is a, like, this is a war. Nine 11 happened right after I joined. I was, I did my basic training that summer, and then I remember when the, the towers came down, I was playing football and I went out to practice and we didn’t have the internet.

Well, we did, but nobody had it like readily accessible. You had to go to like the computer lab if you wanted to get online. It took 20 minutes. But everybody was, well, all my buddies were like, dude, you’re going war. And I’m like, what? What do you mean? Like, dude, you’re in the army, aren’t you? I said, yeah. He said, well, you see what happened on tv?

I was like, no. They’re like, bro, get ready, and I was freaking out. Anyways, 10 years later, [00:04:00] I’m finally in Afghanistan. And I had the, uh, honor being deployed actually with, uh, the 1 71 Calve of the 10th Mountain Division. Okay. So I spent my, the majority of my tour, uh, with them in, uh, in Dan district. And then, you know, slowly but surely after that, you know, my career kind of came to an end in the sense that, um, I was already a teacher by trade, so I was a high school math and science.

Because in reserves you can go do your school and then train in the summer and then pick and choose what you want to do. So my, I chose to either go overseas in 2010, and then when I came back I was unemployed and didn’t know what to do with myself. So I said, well, my guess long become a teacher. That’s what I’m trained to do.

So I did that for a few years and it just wasn’t the right fit. And couple with my injuries, and I didn’t realize I was suffering from post-traumatic stress and a whole host of other things. Things kind of unwound and it was probably a blessing because had they not unwound and had I not had this kind of break and I left my career and I [00:05:00] was kind of a disaster for a few years.

I wouldn’t be here talking to you, I wouldn’t be affecting the lives of other veterans because I didn’t really hit rock bottom. I didn’t really understand myself, and that forced me to do that. So I’m really thankful for that experience, and I’m really thankful for being injured and, and having to deal with my shit.

So that’s me in a nutshell. Now what I do is I, I help, um, yeah, I help veterans and, and members of the military, uh, get, uh, meaner, fitter, and harder to kill.

Scott DeLuzio: I love how you phrase that, get harder to kill because, uh, you know, you, you think. Like, okay, let’s, let’s build up this fortress. And you know, now, now you can’t, you can’t bomb me, you can’t shoot me, whatever.

They got all this stuff. But there’s other stuff that is involved there too. Like, you gotta be fit, physically, fit, mentally fit, all these things are, are gonna make you harder to kill. And, uh, it’s, it’s a really cool thing. And I think, uh, just going back just for a second to your time as a reservist, uh, I was in the National Guard, which is similar to what you were experiencing.[00:06:00]

And we, we have, uh, you know, reserves as well. But, um, the thing I noticed, and I don’t know if you noticed this as well, is the people who were not full-time active duty soldiers who were deploying usually had way more skills than whatever their military job was. So, like you, you and I were both infantry, so we, we were trained on infantry tactics and all that kind of stuff, and that was, that was great.

We obviously needed to be trained in that, but. The unit I deployed with was filled with people from all different walks of life. We had police officers, we had EMTs, we had, uh, mechanics, we had, I was an accountant. Like we, we had everything. So like, um, so when something came up and like, there’s something wrong with one of our trucks, one of our mechanics was like the first one to come in and diagnose it before.

The actual army mechanic came in and right, like was able to order, like he was able to tell ’em like what parts they needed to order before. So it kind of [00:07:00] like, I thought was actually an asset to have sure people in that, that capacity because you’re, you’re able to, you’re able to do things so much quicker and so much more efficiently, uh, when you have that, that skillset.

Hanging around in your unit and we, we had people from like, all sorts of different walks of life, and we had, there was one guy who was a barber and, uh, so we didn’t have to go to the, the, like the Afghan barber that was on base, and so we could like go to him so we didn’t have to risk like getting our throats slit or whatever.

Dave Morrow: Just the little things you have to worry about when you’re in another country at war, you know, like you just. You appreciate

Scott DeLuzio: those little bits. You gonna stop me? Yeah. Right. Like I was like, oh, I’m gonna, I’ll give you a shave with a straight bite. No, the hell you’re not. Oh man. So you’ve made it your mission to help other veterans lose weight, get more fit, get harder to kill.

Uh, I know a lot of veterans pack on a few pounds after leaving the military. My, I, I mean, myself included, right? I mean, [00:08:00] So what prompted you to get out on this, this mission? Uh, your own experiences, obviously you were talking a little bit about that. Was, was that the primary driver or were you seeing other people having the same issue?

Dave Morrow: Oh, yeah, man, it, it was, it was all about me. It was all me. I, uh, Like I said earlier, I hurt my back and my knee when I was deployed, it wasn’t catastrophic. It wasn’t like I was knee deep grenade pins fighting off the Taliban. It was just, I blew up my back bunch, a few herniations and then my knee just got my fell off a wall and you know, shit happens.

Yeah. But what I realized is like later on, Because I, I was having so much trouble getting back to normal. I was constantly in pain. It was just bringing me down, down, down, down, down. And I just kept on sucking it up, taking more pills, sucking it up, taking more pills, and then to go to the gym. I’d stay tr I I’d train, but it wasn’t, it wasn’t working.

I, I was getting fatter. I was, I was in more pain. I’d have days, [00:09:00] sometimes weeks, where I couldn’t go into work cuz I was just in too much pain. I was stuck in bed and it was after one of those. Back lockups. I said, I gotta change something, man. This is not working. I have a kid, I have two now. But at that point I had one and I remember staring up at the ceiling.

My wife’s helping me go to the washroom. I can’t do anything. I can’t be a husband, I can’t be a good employee. I can’t do anything. I can’t be a good dad. So I said, I gotta fix something. I can’t live for the rest of my life like this. I was barely, I was at 35 at the time, so I just made the decision to change.

I didn’t know what I was gonna do, but I just dissolved my ego at that. Went to go find who’s my trainer, who I got six years ago, um, is still my trainer to this day. And we just started working on the basics and I realized I was crazy weak. I was insanely weak. I thought, you know, like Army Strong, I could run, I’m tall, right?

So running was always a easy thing for me. Push-ups, pull-ups. I was infantry fit. I could rock March for. [00:10:00] No problem. I was a pack mule, so in my mind I’m good to go. But then I got kicked outta the military for not being fit, and I was like, that sucks. And then I just couldn’t do anything that I wanted to do.

I couldn’t play sports, I couldn’t play hockey, couldn’t take care. And so all these things compounded and I said, okay, I’m clearly. Doing something wrong. And so the Costanza fact, I don’t know if you’re a Seinfeld fan, but Oh yeah, yeah. If, if everything I’m doing is wrong, then everything opposite must be right.

So I just adopted the Castanza principle at that point. I love it. Yeah. I just started doing everything opposite and reading, and I was always involved in fitness. I was always like the PT guy at my unit more or less. And I just started putting together a plan with my coach, and I started reading, I started reading books by Kelly Starret, the supp Leo.

Started realizing, oh my God, I could have fixed everything that was wrong with me, or at least prevented it as best as possible had I known all of this. And so once I learned that, I started [00:11:00] writing my book, which was the Nimble Warrior, and that was during like the darkest moments of my life. I was in my basement.

I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I had to do something. So I started writing and I always liked to write. And it came about because I did a seminar with some. Because my buddy was, I don’t know if he was worried about me, but he definitely, he’s like, Hey, uh, why don’t you come do a seminar at my unit, man?

I was like, okay, cool. So I’m really thankful for that. So I talked to his troops. I said, look, I don’t want you guys to be like me. You can prevent things like knee injuries and back injuries with some really simple stuff that I learned over the last few years. So do. And then we, I got the after action report and they said, man, they loved it.

So I said, okay, I’m gonna put together a PDF with like four or five pages on how to do stuff. And that turned into an 80 page book. So that was kind of like how I got started in this, because I just wanted to help buddy. I just said, I, I was just giving it away for free of here, take this. And then it just kind of spiraled more people saw that I was doing this stuff.

Some guys reached out and said, Hey, I want you to train me to get ready for Special Forces selection. I’m like, I don’t know how to do [00:12:00] that. Like, I, you know, I didn’t do that, right? So he’s like, yeah, yeah. He’s like, but I trust you and let’s go. So he. Making it on the teams. And some of his other brothers came about and said like, Hey, I want to get trained too.

And then just started to snowball to the point where I had no choice but to kind of start a business. I was just doing it all under the table and you know, had a book and I didn’t know how to do payment gateways or anything like that. I didn’t know how to do websites. I didn’t know anything. So it just turned into that.

It was just one of those things that by osmosis, just kind of falling bass backwards as my dad always says into something. And then you just. Into something. And that was really how I got started. I had no intention of starting a business, no intention of being involved with veterans. I just started realizing that there was a big gap there.

There was nobody serving that particular group of, in particular men. And I just wanted to kind of fix that and just share my knowledge. And that’s, that’s the long and short of it.

Scott DeLuzio: Yeah. And. Gotta be really [00:13:00] difficult, and I’m gonna get deep here on this one. It’s gotta be really difficult for a Canadian to not be able to play hockey.

Dave Morrow: You know? It’s, I mean, you guys are born with skates, right? It was just like, yeah. Yeah. Hockey is by far one of the, one of the hardest sports on the body. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because, I don’t know if you play hockey. I, I used to. Okay. Yeah. So you, yeah. It’s the, the amount of sweat that comes off of you after. It’s insane.

You only realize when you get older because when you’re a kid, you’re sweaty. It doesn’t matter, you know, a teenager or whatever. You’re sweaty, like just, that’s just hockey. But then when you finish just a pickup game, Which is all I play now. Actually, I hadn’t even put on skates this year, which is like, it’s heresy.

I know. God, I haven’t put on skates this year. Right. We’re

Scott DeLuzio: we’re, we’re gonna let you get out of the country first before this episode gets released. Cause Please, the authority’s gonna be

Dave Morrow: knocking down your door. Please do. I didn’t I? Yeah. I couldn’t believe I, I was like my head, I got like two more games left in my season, which I’m a spare.

[00:14:00] I haven’t gone once and I’m really embarrassed about that. But anyways, that’s a whole other podcast. Um, yeah, the amount of sweat after a hockey. In your gear. It’s like going into the sauna. Oh yeah. You, you’re really only on the ice. Like our games are like 40 minutes. You’re really only if you’re on the ice for 10 minutes.

That’s, that’s, that’s a lot. Right, right. If you’re on the ice for a quarter of the game, maybe there’s not enough spares. That’s a lot, but not 10 minutes. So many guys have heart attacks. I shouldn’t be laughing, but it’s so hard on the body. Just the, you know, the intensity. I mean, we’re not even playing contact, right?

We’re just, we’re skating having a good time. Uh, it’s, it’s a great workout, but it’s really hard on the back cuz you’re always in that croach position as you know, you know, taking slap shots and stuff like that. You’re always rotating and so you have to be healthy, you have to have good tissue mobility, it’s.

Part and parcel of getting older. You have to maintain it a lot better if you wanna do the things that you love. So that was just part of why I wanted to get better personally, but also why I want to help other veterans too. Cause I just want them to [00:15:00] thrive and enjoy the things that they can

Scott DeLuzio: enjoy.

Right. Exactly. And there, there’s a lot, a lot of things and I’m, I’m picking on hockey cuz it’s, you know, just kind of poking fun at, at the Canadian on the show here. And I’m the host so I can do whatever the hell I want. So, um, But I mean, there’s other things too. I mean, there, there’s all sorts of things that people just stop doing because they, they can’t physically do it anymore.

Mm-hmm. Because they just let their body deteriorate and, you know, maybe an injury that they didn’t follow up on and, and get, get the care that they needed. Um, you know, could be anyth sport. I mean, it could be, as you know, golf is not like a super high impact sport, but there’s a lot of twisting in motion and things like that.

And that’s something that. I used to love doing it and I, I had a, a back neck injuries and like, it, it’s just hard for me to swing a club without hating myself after, after doing it, you know? So, so it’s like stuff like that is, is like the reason why you, you want to go out and try to fix these things and, and like you said, the [00:16:00] castanza effective, everything you, you’re doing is wrong.

Like do the opposite and maybe that’ll be right. Right? Mm-hmm. And, and I, I know there’s a lot of people out there who, like I said earlier, they, they get outta the military, they let their PT kind of slip and they, they start just gaining weight. Right. Um, and I, I think I saw on your website, I was doing a little lookup before we start recording here, that obesity in the veteran population is higher than like the average, you know, in their, their peer groups.

Um, why do you think that is? Why, I mean, from a group of people that were so in, While they were serving in the military, theoretically. Obviously there’s some people who let it slip in the military too, but Yeah. How do you, how do you just let it slip that, that quickly when you, when you get out?

Dave Morrow: Right.

Well, the research is pointing out a few things. Uh, so that study showed that veterans are about, there’s a about 9% greater, um, I guess quantity of vet of veterans versus the peer group in just the city population that are [00:17:00] obese. Um, so that puts it, uh, close to 50% of of veterans are overweight or obese.

That means a B M I of over 25. Um, and then why? There are a lot of compounding variables. Injury is one of the biggest ones. You’re in pain, so you, you don’t exercise. Uh, post-traumatic stress. You don’t wanna go outta your house. You’re, you’re, there’s, so they’re, they’re compounding factors. Uh, and the way I see it is, yeah, the, the injury thing, if you can’t move, well, your likelihood of of being obese is, is really high.

So you need to address that right off the bat and then understand that you gotta pick your heart if you’re not moving because you’re in pain. I get it. I’ve been there. But if you continue to not move because you’re in pain, it’s gonna get worse than if you do move. And so you can sit at home and continually get worse and worse and worse and be in more and more pain, which is hard.[00:18:00]

Or you can get up off the couch and do a lap around your block, which is painful. It’s hard, but which one’s harder for you? And that’s the one that’s, that’s life. You’re going to have to weigh which one is, is going to be more beneficial for you in the end. And which one are you gonna decide to do It’s, and so it’s, a lot of times it’s.

Convincing an individual that, yeah, man, like, I know this sucks. I know it, it hurts, but you can get better. And unfortunately, I think a lot of us, and I was guilty of this too, I just assumed that I was broken. I, I adopted the identity of the broken soldier and that, that mindset is so toxic. It’s like a cancer.

Yeah. Because it just crushes you. For me, I was in my early thirties and I already, I already assumed that I was decrepit and couldn’t do my job, didn’t have my career anymore. It was just, it, it is just a downward spiral. But then I realized after talking to great people, cuz I started the podcast, no man, you’re not broken.

You, you just need to reframe how you see this. Is this, are you gonna [00:19:00] overcome or are you gonna let this define you? Because there’s a lot of people that are a lot worse off than you that. Get after it and keep on moving. Like the guys that are amp, the amputees, right? You, you know, like you can do this.

And the thing is, the cool thing about pain, man, you say cool, whatever you want to call it, but. The more active you are, the more positive outlook you have, the lesser the effects pain have. So, and that just, everything compounds itself. I call it the, the Dave Moral downward spiral of shit is the one where you get in where it’s like, I’m in pain, I’m not gonna go for a workout.

And then, because you don’t go for a workout, you’re in more pain, so you don’t go for a workout again. And so it’s a positive feedback loop, but in the, in the negative sense, it just keeps on compounding. You gotta get into like the virtuous cycle where you go out for that walk, you get some vitamin D, you feel good.

Yeah. You’re in a. Pain, but like, man, that felt pretty good. Maybe I’ll do it again tomorrow. Right? And maybe I’ll just go a little bit further. And then once you start doing that, then all the good hormones, then all the good feelings, and then it just compounds itself day after [00:20:00] day after day. And that’s the important part is that the consistency has to be there.

The consistency is king. And a lot of us, I think it’s the ego that gets in the way because we we’re a unique group of people because we all had an experience at some point where we were. Basic training, whatever you had to be fit. Most civvies don’t have to ever test themselves physically, so they don’t get that, oh, well I’ve done something really hard before I, and I think it’s a double-edged sword because you may get, may get into your forties.

And you wanna start getting fit again. You realize, man, I’m 40 pounds overweight, my knees hurt, my back hurts. I’m never gonna be able to run like a five miler and do pullups and pushups again. Why bother? Because you’re thinking, Hey, I gotta be exactly the way I was in my twenties, right? No. We gotta put that ego aside.

You know your, I always say your, your brain’s gonna write checks. Your body can’t cash at 40 years old. You cannot go out and do what you did in your twenties after being detrained for 10, 15 years. You gotta take it [00:21:00] slow and just accept that hey, going for a walk might be your level right now, and then maybe in a year or two then you could start gripping and ripping barbells.

Doing CrossFit stuff, but we’re not gonna start there, man. We gotta start slow and you gotta put the ego in a drawer and then just get moving.

Scott DeLuzio: Yeah, and and to your point too, if you’re sitting on the couch in pain and that’s the reason why you’re not getting off the couch and going, doing some sort of exercise or physical activity of some sort, at the end of the day, you’re gonna be in pain anyways.

Mm-hmm. You might as well go do something, like take a look at the two activities, one sitting on the couch, the other one, uh, you know, going out and just walking around the neighborhood or something. You’re gonna be in pain at the end of the day, regardless, you might as well go do something with that time that’s going to actually improve your, your health and over overall wellbeing, right?

If you, if it’s knee pain and part of the knee pain is because you’re carrying around too much weight, well go do stuff to go lose some of that weight, right? Mm-hmm. Like that, that’s going to help you and it makes a ton of sense the way you, you’ve put it that way. [00:22:00] And, and even with things like, like P T S D or other mental health issues, like you don’t wanna leave your bed, you don’t want to get out of the house, you don’t wanna go anywhere.

Right. Um, I, I think it’s interesting, it would be interesting to figure out whether, like those issues are what causes obesity. So like, someone who’s depressed doesn’t want to get outta bed and exercise, like I was just saying. Or, or they eat the comfort food, uh, which leads towards, you know, more weight gain, uh, or if the obesity.

Is what’s contributing to certain mental health issues. Like they, they get these negative self-image and, and stuff like that. I could see it being like a vicious cycle where it just kind of perpetuates itself,

Dave Morrow: you know? Yeah. Well, the, the, the research is, is there in, in the sense that, uh, if you have post-traumatic stress disorder, You do have a significantly greater risk of obesity.

Okay? And, uh, you know, the, the thing that’s great about uh, America is that you guys are research machines. [00:23:00] Any topic you want on veterans, there’s research on it. And it’s very clear that when you get moving and you start, uh, improving your, your adiposity and you start decreasing your, your body fat and you start getting fit.

Mental health outcomes improve, and there’s a great study that came out of the VA where they just had veterans have a 20 minute exercise session before they went into their therapy session and their outcomes, their mental health outcomes. Skyrocketed. They just went from, yeah, they went, they went from, they, they just had, it’s a, it’s, it’s a pretty simple, uh, study in the sense that they just measure like, how are you feeling today?

And it’s like, not good. Okay. You know, like kinda like a Likert scale where you can pick, you know, and then, so the likelihood of feeling good down the road, months down the road, the individuals that did the 20 minutes before they went in and it wasn’t any, it was just a little bit of structured pt. It wasn’t anything crazy.

They had significantly better mental health outcomes [00:24:00] and all studies basically point to the same direction, where if you are physically active, your chances of having long-term mental health effects, negative ones basically get evaporated. It’s, it really comes down to, you know, the, the, the old Greek saying, Anas Sano incorporated Sano a healthy mind in a healthy body.

There, there you can’t, you can’t disassociate both. They have to be part of the whole solution. When we say holistic health, You can go to your therapist. It’s important you’re talking things. But on the other side, you need to physically be in your body and to, to struggle because if not, you won’t synthesize the right hormones.

And for men, especially things like testosterone, growth hormone, like these are all things that need to be working in conjunction with a healthy mind so that you’re actually a healthy, thriving human being. So I think we’ve lost that in the. Conversation where we focus so much on mental health. Mm-hmm.

But we don’t realize that one of the major components of mental health is physically being active and struggling and like lifting heavy stuff. It can eradicate a [00:25:00] lot of the issues, but it’s just getting to that point, understanding the importance of it, that needs to kind of, we need to get over that hurdle first.

Scott DeLuzio: And you know, when people use the phrase like holistic medicine, holistic health and all that kind of stuff, sometimes people. Kind of just dismiss it as some, you know, hippie kind of nonsense kind of thing. But it really, I did too. It’s, no, I’m the same way until I started actually like understanding like what they’re actually talking about.

And it’s, it’s not this, you know, hippie. Whatever stuff. It’s, it’s really just taking a look at the big picture, take a look at everything and see how all the pieces fit together. You know, like if you’re doing a puzzle, you got a bunch of disconnected pieces and you’re putting ’em all together, and then eventually you get the whole picture.

Right. That, that’s what they’re talking about is, is looking at the whole picture and. Yeah, you’re right. The, your physical health is directly tied to your mental health. I mean, it’s, it’s a huge thing. If you never get outside, you never move heavy things. You never [00:26:00] move your body and do anything to sweat or whatever, you’re, you’re gonna start to just start feeling down on yourself and it’s, it’s, mm-hmm.

I mean, I don’t know how else to put it. Like that’s just gonna happen. Like it sucks. Yeah. But it, that’s what’s gonna happen. Yeah, a

Dave Morrow: hundred percent. I mean, one of the, I’m gonna paraphrase here, but Jocko Wilin is one of my favorite podcasters, right? Wait, not me. Come on. Uh, well, I mean, yeah, of course, of course.

You’re my favorite Army podcast. Oh, okay, cool. Yeah, he’s my favorite naming podcaster. Um, so he, there was a reel that came out, I can’t remember, I can’t remember what podcast he was on, but like, Hey, what are the, what are the things you need to do to be healthy, Jocko? And you know how he is? He’s very pragmatic.

He’s like, yeah, eat good food, drink water, do jiu-jitsu, hang out with your friends. And like, he had a fifth one. I can’t remember what it’s, but it’s Essent. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Right. Eat good food, you know, drink enough water. Oh, get outside, do Juujitsu. You know, like [00:27:00] it’s the, it seems so simple.

Of course it is because we’re humans, but we overcomplicate things a lot of the times, and that’s unfortunate because at the end of the day it’s, it’s not overly complex, it’s just we represented. Huge problem and all these compounding variables and oh my god, my mental health and I don’t have tight enough connections and I don’t, but if you just simplify it and use the analogy, I would say like, how do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time, right? Just don’t try and change everything all at once. Don’t try and change your nutrition and change your, your, your fitness level and change your connections with your family and change your. You’re, you’re, you’re not gonna be able to do it all at once. How it took decades to get you where you are now, where you might be a little bit confused.

Well give yourself some time, man. You’re not gonna fix it in a month, 2, 3, 4 months even. Maybe it takes a year. Maybe it takes two. It’s taken me about five years now. Five years now, and I’m like, Hey. I’m doing pretty good. I, I’m tracking in the right direction. I feel like I’ve kind of got things under control.

I know how to add [00:28:00] weight. I know how to lose body fat. I know how to stay strong at my age. I know when to coli quits. I know when to push a little harder, but that’s taken like five years of my life to figure this out. It’s, it’s not just an overnight thing, and I think we’re so used to just quick. Right, because it’s like, Hey bud, I worked out this week.

Cool. Just keep on doing it, man. Like just keep on going. Do more of that. Exactly. Yeah. Do do more of that. Exactly.

Scott DeLuzio: You know? Yeah. We, we have that the, the on demand Amazon delivery kind of thing, like where you order something. Eight o’clock in the morning and by noon it, you, it’s on your doorstep. And it’s like you just have that instant gratification.

It’s like, okay, well I went to the gym this week and I am still, I still weigh the same amount, or maybe I even gained some weight or whatever over, over the course of the week like that, that, that happens too. And, but like over time you keep doing the right thing, you’re gonna start to see the results that you’re looking for.

You’re gonna start moving in the right direction. But we are creatures a [00:29:00] habit and we find our comfort zone. We do the things that we’re comfortable with. Yeah. Um, but what got us to where we are is not gonna get us to where we want to be as far as our, our physical health or mental health. Anything really.

I mean, um, you know, if we wanna be someplace else other than where we’re at right now, we gotta do something. Otherwise, it’s just insanity thinking that we’re gonna do the same thing over and over again and just not, and, and just have some sort of different result come up, like it’s not gonna happen.


Dave Morrow: Mm-hmm. You know, it’s, it’s, it’s fascinating dealing with human beings on a regular basis. You know, I’ve dealt with obviously troops, I’ve been arou, I’ve dealt with high school age boys when I taught the high school I was at, and I’ve obviously worked with grown men now. Human beings are interesting creatures.

You can, you can know logically what you’re doing is not helping you. You know that all your habits are causing you discomfort, [00:30:00] causing you pain, causing you poor health. But yet when it’s like, all right, time to start working on it, you go and you hesitate, right? You pause and trying to figure that out as a coach, right, is part of my job.

Well, why are you? For me, it’s, it’s a no. But why is it for me a no-brainer and what, but then I have to think back, well, there was a time where I thought I was doing everything right. So how do I bring that into my coaching practice and make sure that you can start un like unlocking this hidden resource of motivation?

Because that’s what it is. It’s, it’s the fear of getting started and failing that is overriding your need to actually get out and do something that’s gonna be good for you. It’s just this, this fear, there’s fear. Like, if I get started, I might fail. If I get started, I might fail, and then I’m gonna be an embarrassment.

Well, to who? To you, to your, to your, to your kids, to your, nobody’s gonna think you’re a failure man. It’s, it’s just trying to get over that is, is, is a [00:31:00] really hard part of being human because, uh, although we want to change, status quo is so much more comfort. Than being in that chaotic wall. I don’t know exactly what I need to do for training.

I might hurt myself. I might have a setback. Yes, those things all will happen, but they also all will happen if you don’t do anything. So like you said earlier, you might as well just pick your heart and do the one that’s actually gonna benefit you long term, then the one that for sure is not gonna get you anywhere, which is what you’re doing right

Scott DeLuzio: now, right?

You’re absolutely guaranteed 100% without a doubt. You’re going to. If you don’t start Yeah. You know, like there’s no, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Like you’re going to fail without a doubt. So if you’re worried about failing, like the one guaranteed way to set yourself up for success is to actually start try to do something, right?

Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Maybe it doesn’t go a hundred percent the way you thought it was gonna be. Uh, maybe it’s harder than you thought. Okay, cool. Then like maybe take step back [00:32:00] and adjust and, and figure out what your limitations are. May maybe that back injury really was worse than you thought it was and mm-hmm.

Okay. Well, you can’t keep pushing that hard because you’re gonna really screw up your back and maybe you need to do something else. Okay, well then do something else. But at least you figured that out at that. But if you never even start and never even try, you’re never, you, you’re not even gonna give yourself a chance to figure that stuff out.

So you’re, you’re dead in the water right there. I mean, you, you have, you have no chance. Yeah.

Dave Morrow: Yeah. There’s different stages, right. Of, uh, an individual being ready to change and like, it’s, it comes down to just like you’re, if you are not even aware of your problem, Then it’s, you know, it takes a lot of convincing and that whole analogy, like, you can bring a horse to water, but you can’t make ’em drink.

Yeah. Is it really important at that point? Because if an individual’s not ready to make the change and not ready to take the next step, it’s hard to convince somebody that, Hey, man, you really need to lose 30 pounds. If they’re like, no, I [00:33:00] don’t. Okay. You’re, you’re going, you’re stuck now. All right. I guess you, don.

So it’s the individual that is ready for that change where typically they have either an event in their lives where, you know, they might have a friend or a family member that passed away maybe from diabetes or, or something that could have been prevented. Or they realize, especially guys kind of our age, right in our forties and you know, maybe even to your fifties, but especially the late thirties, forties, a lot of us have kids.

And that was just a, a switch that went on for me. Oh shit, I’m responsible for these kids now for. At least 18 years. But I don’t just want to be here for 18 years and just exist. I wanna be able to kick ass and take names. And I want them to be able to say, Hey, dad is like out on the field with us running around.

And then long-term, I wanna be able to do it with my grandkids, assuming that I have grandkids. That long-term thinking requires me to do a ton of work over and above what I do professionally so [00:34:00] that I can stay fit and healthy. I wanna be able to run, I wanna be able to jump, I wanna be able to do all these things.

Well, I gotta put the work in now. But for some, that’s such an insurmountable amount of work that it’s just easier just to not start. Yeah, and that’s, that’s where even if they do wanna make a change, it’s again, that fear. That fear of starting and trying so hard to get to a goal and then not being successful is, is already too devastating because it’s, it’s going to expose some stuff about who.

Deep down inside that some people just aren’t ready to, to acknowledge and to, to, to, to find out. And it’s a, it’s a journey. It’s, it’s just part of being human. And if you’re willing to accept it, then man, the sky’s the limit. And you can achieve things that you never thought were possible. But you just gotta take that first step.

Scott DeLuzio: Yeah, ab absolutely. And you know, for the, for the longest time I was this person that we’re describing who was just like, uh, uh, it hurts too much. I’m not, I’m just not gonna do it. And I did. I, I was gaining weight. I’m, I’m still working to get some of that weight off [00:35:00] from back down to where, where I was.

Um, and earlier this year, I went to the doctor and I was like, look, I, I got neck pain, I got back pain. You know, I, I gotta figure out what’s going on. And they, they did all, all sorts of tests, all these different things and, you know, There’s disc bulging and all the time, you know, carrying all the weight, the rucks and all that kind of stuff.

Couple injuries that I had while I was in the military just are now getting to the point where it’s just, it’s really hard for me to do it as arthritis. You, I’m 41 years old and they, they told me I had arthritis. I was like, you gotta be kidding me like that. That’s stupid. It

Dave Morrow: gets issued from the quartermaster, but essentially it’s like, Hey, you’re in here.

Here you go. 15 years like, what I need this for. Don’t worry, don’t worry about it. You’ll,

Scott DeLuzio: you’ll, you’ll, you’ll need it. You’ll need it at some point. Yeah. Um, but I, I was like, you know what? I can’t just. Continue doing what I’m doing, just not exercising and get, continuing to get overweight. Cause this isn’t gonna get any better.

And so yeah, I’m back at the gym. I’m, I’m, I’m exercising and I’m [00:36:00] doing it in a smart way. I’m not, I’m not going the way I was going when I was 20 or 25 or whatever. I’m, I’m. I’m doing it the way that I can to the extent that I can and you know, I’ll, I’ll work back up to where I can get to and it’s not gonna be to the point where I was, you know, 20 years old and, you know, lifting.

A car over my head are stupid like that. You know what I like? I’m never gonna be that, that way again, but I can get better and I can always be better than I was the day before and, and just keep working to get that way. And, and that’s, I think, I think the goal right, is, is to just keep pushing forward and keep trying

Dave Morrow: to get better.

Absolutely. The, the concept of 1% better every day. Yeah. So people will roll their eyes, but what does that effectively mean? It, it means essentially, if you’re committing to. Being a better human being, being fitter, you gotta do something that’s slightly uncomfortable in the sense that you may not want to get up and go for your walk, or you may [00:37:00] not want to go for the walk period.

You may not want to do anything, but if you consistently do your 20 minutes of activity a day, which is essentially what all human beings need, the bare minimum, minimum effective dose is 20 minutes of activity. I’m not talking. Gonna do deadlifts. Yeah. Going for a walk is activity, low grade activity, but 88% of us don’t do it.

You know, if you did that, if you did that for a month, 30 days straight, 20 minutes going for a walk, guarantee your body changes. You lose weight, you feel better, rain or shine, every time you do it, you’re 1% better. That’s just, that’s just the way it is. Right? And just those simple habit change. Can totally reframe somebody’s mindset because they realize, oh, I’ve been making this super hard for myself.

I don’t have to go for a run Uhuh. I don’t have to go lift weights. Mm-hmm. If your goal is just to be healthy, then just do what nobody else is doing. You’ll be in the top, like what, 12% of North Americans? If you [00:38:00] just go for a walk every day for 20 minutes, that’s crazy. You’re like an elite athlete at that point compared to everybody else, you know?

Right. So you do that for a year, two, three. The, the, you know, the comparison between who you would be and who you, and, and, and who you are. Like the, the, the curve just goes exponential at that point for, uh, health and, and longevity. So that’s all it takes is just 20 minutes a day.

Scott DeLuzio: And then there’s, there’s the people who just kind of come up with the excuse.

It’s like, well, I don’t have time for that. And it’s like, if you, if you normally wake up at six o’clock in the morning to, to get ready for work or school or whatever it is that you’re doing, you get get up at six. Okay. Well now set your alarm for five 30. Mm-hmm. Boom. You got time. I just found the time for you.

You know,

Dave Morrow: it’s, it’s time is, yeah. It’s easy. Time is, so, it’s, it’s almost a, uh, it’s almost a laugh. Excuse. Right. Ah, dude, I don’t have the time. I’m super busy. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, so there’s that. [00:39:00] There’s no point in your day that you just have 20 minutes just lying around. Right. You don’t go on YouTube, you know, you don’t, you don’t watch any tv.

Okay, cool. Yeah, you don’t scroll on your phone for. 30, 40 minutes, cuz I’m pretty sure you do. You don’t have a lunch hour. You, you don’t have any of that, right? That’s crazy that you must be the most busy man on the planet. But then even if you are the busiest man on the planet, why wouldn’t you prioritize your health?

And that’s where you see the, the discrepancy between like the high performers and those are, are, are not really performing. The high performers understand if my brain, if I want it to. Peak capacity and I wanna be able to make deals and I wanna be able to run stuff and well, they prioritize their fitness and their nutrition and everything.

Yeah. Because all their cells need to be working for them, not against them. So I just did a series on the podcast, fit the fight, and I just took a bunch of veterans that I know well [00:40:00] and that are extremely fit and that are extremely busy professionally. And they always find time to train. Like one of them just goes at the lunch hour and does like hundred reps of everything for 40 minutes and then goes back to work.

He’s a, he’s, he’s an executive at Google, like. You can do it. It, it’s not, there’s no excuse. They just go faster. They just do it. I know I need to, so let’s just grip and rip, go in, out and done. And so there’s always the time, the time is not the excuse. It’s the internal motivation. That’s always the, the big hold back.

So yeah, if you need time, man. We can find time. You can always find, can write me an email like, bro, I don’t know where to find time. Oh, we’ll find some. We’ll find. We’ll find some

Scott DeLuzio: for, yeah. Yeah. You know what? As a matter of fact, you could, for the listeners, you could find it yourself. Look at your phone in your setting somewhere.

I don’t know where, where it is specifically on Android versus iPhone or whatever. Somewhere in your phone. It’ll tell you how much time you use on each app throughout the day. Screen time. Screen time. On the article, the screen time thing. Yeah. There you go. So look at. And when you’re looking [00:41:00] at Facebook or Instagram or Twitter or whatever it is that you’re looking at, TikTok, whatever, and you’re, you take a look at that time, whatever that time is, you’re like, okay, instead of doing this stupid crap that I don’t need to be doing, I’m gonna get out there and I’m gonna just go walk around the neighborhood or walk around my office or something.

Yeah, just get outside and go do

Dave Morrow: something. And I got even like, like a cheat or a hack if you, if you may. You can be on Facebook and go for a walk too. I know it’s not. I mean, assuming there’s no traffic, right? If you really need to be on your phone that badly, you can still scroll, just walk. Yeah. It’s, or, or even like worst case scenario, you get a treadmill in your house and like, go on your phone.

If you’re that much of an addict, cool. But at least get the PT in while you’re doing the thing that’s, you know, your, your, your habit, your must do, which is being on your phone. It’s, it’s as simple as that. It’s really as simple as that.

Scott DeLuzio: There was, there was someone at the gym the other day. They had a, a tablet, like an iPad or [00:42:00] something, and it was on the, the exercise bike, and they had it in front of them, and they were, they were doing that, they were like scrolling through Facebook.

Mm-hmm. Just like going up and up and up, just scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. I was like, okay, well, you know what, you’re doing something still. Yeah. While, while you’re doing that. Yeah. Yeah. So that hack works too. Mm-hmm. I mean, that’s, mm-hmm. Certainly an easy way to fix that is just get it in, do both. I mean, if you can’t, I mean, if you’re the type of person who can’t chew gum and walk at the same time, then maybe don’t do

Dave Morrow: that.

But yeah, I’m not advocating going for walks on busy streets with your head down your phone. Please don’t do that. No, definitely don’t do that. There’s too many, too many accidents. Like horrific. Yeah, no, please don’t do that. But you definitely don’t

Scott DeLuzio: ride. Your bike wouldn’t do that too. Like that’s, that would be.

Dave Morrow: In my neighborhood in the summertime. I, I don’t know how these, what call ’em? No, I’m a millennial. So what’s below Gen Zs Z? They’re on their, like, they’re on their, like, they’re not skateboards. They like long, I don’t know. They’re on different kinds of boards than I had when I was a kid. Uh, and they’re on a phone and they’re like navigating and [00:43:00] dude really bikes, you name it.

I, I just, I, I can’t, I can’t picture a world where I would be on my phone on a. On a city street. That just doesn’t compute for me. No, it’s just this whole like hard to kill mentality.

Scott DeLuzio: Yeah. Oh, that I wanna, that makes you easy to kill. Yeah. Like you’re, you’re dead like one, right. You do that once and you’re gone.

That’s it. Yeah. This will be the last conversation. You just,

Dave Morrow: you have, you, you really don’t perceive any threat right now. There’s no threat to you that you live in a world where there is 100% safety, where everybody who’s driving their car is looking out for you. Yeah, bro. If you’re on your phone, what do you think half the people are doing in the cars, man, on their phones

Scott DeLuzio: too?

I, I don’t, I don’t trust people that much to get out there and, and say, oh yeah, you know what? That driver over there, he’s probably got my best interest in mind. No, no way. No way. Like that’s, that’s insanity to me. And yeah, I think, I think we just. In a culture, in a [00:44:00] society that like actual threats to people’s lives are not as common as, yeah, they think they are.

I don’t know. Well,

Dave Morrow: that’s partly why I came up with, or, yeah. Yeah. It’s partly why I came up with the heart to kill, uh, mantra or slogan. It’s not anything new. There’s other guys that use it. Tim Kennedy, uh mm-hmm. Uh, um, cross. The reason why I came up with it was I was just on a run. I just got fired from a job and I was just fucking pissed.

And I remember I just, I was like, I’m just gonna run until I feel better. It’s, I went out for, I think it was like 15 K or something like that. And then as I was running, I was, why do I do this? Why? Do I, when I get upset, I just go hard and I, I just, I pay, I suffer. And I realize it’s partly because I think, well, whats, if I have to run this distance in order to save my family, whats, if I need to lift or pull something in order to get it off my kid or, and even before I had kids, I, I would say, well, if I don’t get to this poll in the next three seconds [00:45:00] when I’m sprinting, like everybody dies.

And I thought I was crazy. I thought I was insane. I, I said, I can’t say this out loud, I’m gonna get locked up. But then I heard Joe Rogan say the same thing too on his podcast, and then it all made sense. I was like, oh, okay. I’m not nuts. This is just how some guys are programmed. So I just like training hard and uh, the whole idea of like hard to kill came about from that, but also, There’s just not a lot of threats.

Right. Right. And I don’t want, but don’t get me wrong, I don’t, I don’t wanna feel threatened when I leave my house. Right. I, I’m in a very quiet suburb. I’m okay with that. I’ve had more rounds go over my head and freaking rounds go by. I mean, I, I don’t want that anymore. I don’t wanna have that constant fear, but I do like to impose some amount of controlled.

By training, by doing stuff that’s hard, because if not, I think that just creates anxiety because yeah, we we’re, we’re programmed to identify threats all the time. That’s just how we [00:46:00] evolve. And when there’s no threats, our essential nervous system just starts perceiving threats that aren’t really there.

Right? And then you start developing all these anxieties and, and, and stresses that shouldn’t be because your central nervous system’s just outta control. And hence the reason why, uh, you know, part of what I preach is get. Do some exercise, but then also struggle, like, go lift some heavy shit. Right?

Because it just, it allows your central nervous system to realize, oh, okay, I’ve done the hard stuff and, uh, there’s nothing around me that I really have to worry about. What that guy over there texting on his phone, not a threat. You know? It just, it allows you to, because after a heavy set of deadlifts, The world is zen man.

There’s nothing else I can bother

Scott DeLuzio: you. Yeah. And, and the reality is that, you know, the day-to-day you’re not facing mortar rounds and bullets whizzing by your head and, and stuff like that. Day-to-day, that’s not happening. Um, but. In the future, at some point there could be a dangerous situation that you do find yourself in and you, and I’m [00:47:00] not talking about World War III breaking out, although that is a possibility, but you know, but very well

Dave Morrow: happened by the time this podcast is published.


Scott DeLuzio: let’s knock on wood that we’ll see. Knock on wood, hopefully I am not. Jinxing this. If I am, I, I take full responsibility and I will be the first one to sign up to go. I’m

Dave Morrow: coming to America, by the way, if this does happen, I’m coming to America. You guys have a lot more guns than

Scott DeLuzio: us. Yes, we do. Yes. You, you can come down here to Arizona.

We have plenty tweets. Um, but yeah, I mean, there, there could be just a, a one off thing. It could be a, you know, just a random guy walking. You know, a, a store or something like that, and that, that’s happened before. But without training, without being able to be aware of threats and, and the situations going around you, you’re gonna be much easier to kill.

You know, if you’re not paying attention to your surroundings, that you’re gonna become the first target. Because it’s like, oh look, there’s that schmuck over there [00:48:00] who doesn’t know what’s going on. And yeah, I’m gonna go after that guy, as opposed to somebody who saw the threat walking into the door and went and got his family out of there and, and, uh, you know, moved on.

I’m not saying that this is like a day-to-day occurrence that’s gonna happen all the time. It may be, it may never happen ever in your lifetime. It may and, but it may happen once and once may be all that it takes for something bad. To get you so, mm-hmm. Yeah. Trained to be hard to kill. So talking about that, let, let’s talk about your podcast.

Um, I was a guest on that, like I mentioned earlier, a few weeks ago. So definitely listeners go check out that episode and subscribe to the show. But, uh, tell the listeners what they can expect if they, uh, check out the show.

Dave Morrow: Absolutely. Yeah. It’s, uh, great to have you on. Uh, that’s the, uh, the power of Instagram and being involved in the.

Was it, what do we call it? The, the coalition? The podcast coalition.

Scott DeLuzio: Yeah, the podcast coalition, yeah. Yeah. It’s kinda, kinda a cheesy thing that we came up with, but [00:49:00] it’s, it works. I mean, there’s, there’s what, maybe 10, 15 or so of us in, in the group or some, somewhere around there. I don’t know. I, I don’t, I don’t keep track of the numbers, but, um, yeah, it’s, it’s really great cuz we can, we kind of feed off each other, you know, help each other out and Yeah.

Have, have cool guests on the show like we’re doing today, so. Yeah.

Dave Morrow: Yeah, absolutely. And, and one thing that’s cool. Once I started branching out and I re, I recognize that as, as one of my strengths is, is just being able to, to reach out and, and network. So I try to leverage it as much as possible. Uh, I’m not great at organizing in the sense that I’m not great at procedural stuff, like business stuff, like, oh, I gotta do this again.

Like, I gotta do the books. So, um, when it comes to the actual, like, big picture stuff and. Reaching out and correct and connect and connecting and creating bonds. I love, and I, I, I thoroughly enjoy it. I get energy by, you know, talking with folks like yourself and other groups that, you know, we’ve started, uh, you know, just on Instagram, stuff like that.

I love it. And, uh, just the [00:50:00] ability to, to, to branch out. And the, the podcast is just that, that medium. That vehicle should be able to reach out and talk to so many awesome people in the health and fitness space. And I created the podcast kind of around the same time where I was creating the book, partly because I needed free therapy, but also I just, I, I didn’t know what else to do.

I was really like, I’m, this is my studio’s my basement. So I’m in my basement right now and my buddy had started one a few years earlier and I just thought it was for nerds. He, he started this podcast for rugby coaches. All right. And I listened to it. I just thought, dude, all right, you do your podcast stuff.

But then he interviewed Kelly Starret, who I mentioned earlier, who wrote the book, the Supp Leopard, and I was reading his book and it was helping me out a lot. And I’m like, wait, hold on sec. He’s a New York Times bestselling author. How are you talking to him on your podcast? He, he said, I just emailed him.

What? Like, yeah, I just had a conversation with him. I’m like, did you pay him? He’s like, And then the light went off. I was like, oh my God. I could talk [00:51:00] to all these people just by sending ’em an email. They seem famous to me, but like, let’s be honest, a a guy like Kelly Sette who has hundreds of thousands of followers on, on Instagram is not Brad Pitt.

Brad Pitt’s famous. You know, these, these influencers, they’re famous to, you know, people that follow them. Right? And so then that kind of, the light went on there too. It was like, oh. So wait, I could talk to him, him, him, him, him, him, him. And then I just started sending out emails and talking to individuals and just being able to bring a broader sense of what fitness and health is to the veteran community because that was my goal, to try and be able to be a voice of.

You know, health, fitness, reason, logic, whatever you want to call it, uh, in a, in a niche that isn’t really well served, I mean, there’s a lot of veteran podcasts out there, there’s a lot of health podcasts out there. But to be specific for the veteran and military individual, uh, that really wasn’t there. So I wanted to bring my science background that I had, I wanted to bring my teaching background, background and all, everything I’ve [00:52:00] learned from fitness and health.

To the community. And, uh, so we’re four, I’m four years in now. Had some amazing guests, you included. And I try to pull the, the biggest or the best individuals in their field, whether it’s, you know, cardiac surgeons, fasting weight training, whatever it may be, mental health. I try to bring them onto the podcast to, to have their voices heard, uh, within our community as much as possible so that individuals can.

Healthy and fit basically for $0 all it costs, ’em is a bit of time, right? And you could, with a hundred and almost 50 episodes I’ve done, you could put together a badass protocol for yourself and within a year you’ll be probably in the best shape of your life. And that’s been the tent since the start.

Scott DeLuzio: Yeah, it’s great. And I, I love the. Thing that you were talking about with podcasting is how it opens up doors to be able to talk to people who you [00:53:00] previously would have probably no business talking to. No, no reason to reach out to these people. And, um, you know, I, I’ve had people on my podcast and afterwards I was like, holy crap, I can’t believe I just had an episode with this person.

I didn’t have to pay ’em anything or anything. Like, they, they came on, they were willing to share their stories and mm-hmm. Um, you, you mentioned Jocko, uh, I haven’t had Jocko on the podcast, although

Dave Morrow: that would be awesome. Yet, yet, yet. When you do hook me up, when you do

Scott DeLuzio: hook me up. Yes. Yes. It’ll, it’ll be, it’ll be in the contract.

It’ll, it’ll have to be Yeah. Done

Dave Morrow: that way. But Dave, he like, what’s this Dave Morrow? What? What’s, yeah. Don’t worry

Scott DeLuzio: about it. Jocko. Yeah. He, he, he’s a good guy. If he can, if you can get past the accent, he’s fine. He, he, he checks out. But, but yeah. I mean, I, I’ve had people, uh, like. Uh, uh, mama Lee is, uh, uh, mark Lee’s mom.

Um, he, he mentions him on, on, uh, the Jocko podcast all the time. She’s been on, on his podcast. Uh, I’ve had her on on my podcast. She actually lives in my town, um, which is, which is was really cool. Uh, we, we met just [00:54:00] by chance at some event that, that we both happened to be at. And, uh, and I was like, uh, would you wanna be on the show?

And she’s like, yeah, sure. No, no problem. So we, we did it. And I was like, holy crap. I, I’ve heard about this lady for years, like listened to the Jocko podcast and I’m like, oh, I, I didn’t even realize she lived in my town. So it was like that. That’s pretty. Oh wow. Pretty cool. Cool. But, um, but yeah, it’s, it, it opens up so many doors and you get to talk to so many people and you’re right, it’s like therapy.

Like you just get to talking to people and it just, I don’t know, like afterwards you kinda just feel good about the conversation and uh, and everything. It’s, it’s kind of cool. And, and for, it’s actually surprising for me cuz I like, I’m a total introvert. Like I, I. Go out into big crowds and get energy from that, those crowds.

It’s like sometimes I come back from big crowded, uh, events or things that, where there’s lots of people and I’m like, I just need to like, Hide away for like a couple days to like regain my energy. Batteries. You know, it, it’s like the complete opposite. But like doing the podcast, it’s for some reason just works for me.

And I like having this [00:55:00] conversation right now. I’m like, this is, this is awesome. You know? And, um, yeah, so it’s, it’s really a cool thing. So yeah, for any of the listeners out there on the fence about starting a podcast and think it’s just for nerds, um, you know, it’s a cool kid thing now. It’s, it’s definitely the cool thing.

Yeah. I mean, if you’re not doing it, then maybe you’re not the cool kid. So I guess that’s, that’s what we got. Yeah. But, um, yeah. Anyways, um, Dave, man, it’s been awesome speaking with you today. I, I think, I think this is, uh, definitely a, a much needed conversation. As much as the mental health thing is, is needed to be discussed, I think the physical health is needed as well.

And, um, you know, I think it’s awesome what you’re doing. Um, so thank you for taking the time to join me on the show and, and. Your information, um, really has been a pleasure.

Dave Morrow: Yeah, absolutely, Scott. Yeah, it’s been a, it’s been a real hoot. I love being able to hop on and share. What little I’ve learned over the last few years, but, uh, [00:56:00] to also do it, uh, down south, which, uh, when I say down south, I don’t mean Arizona.

I mean the United States of America, uh, with my, my brothers and sisters down there, it’s always a real hoop. But I’ll be going down in, uh, I’ll be going down to Vegas actually in, uh, in November for the military influencer conference, which is like the best conference on the planet. Last year was just like,

Scott DeLuzio: I know I didn’t, I didn’t get to go last year.

Um, but I’m planning on going this year. Uh, just I have a couple schedule things that might kind of screw things up, so I’m. I want, I definitely want to be there. I have it on, on the booked up calendar,

Dave Morrow: but we’re booked up. I’m already, I’ve already got everything booked. We got the hotel booked. We’re good.

We just need flights. We’re, we’re already good to go, so Excellent. We’re bringing, we’re bringing more Canadians too. We got like a president showing up. Oh gosh. It’s gonna be maple syrup and it’s gonna be flowing. Tim Horton’s double doubles. We’re gonna have, we’re gonna bring some hockey sticks. We’re gonna really.

We’re gonna bring, we’re gonna bring the heat, we’re gonna bring the Canadian heat. It’ll

Scott DeLuzio: be great. That’s awesome. Yeah, no, I actually, I’m really hoping to be able to get to it and uh, yeah, [00:57:00] if, if, if I’m there, we are definitely hooking up and uh, maybe do another episode or, or something there and of course that’d be awesome.

Um, so cool. Um, awesome. Well thanks again for taking the time to join me. I

Dave Morrow: really appreciate it. Yeah, no worries. Always a pleasure. Thanks Scott.

Scott DeLuzio: Thanks for listening to the Drive On Podcast. If you want to support the show, please check out Scott’s book, Surviving Son on Amazon. All of the sales from that book go directly back into this podcast and work to help veterans in need. You can also follow the Drive On Podcast on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and wherever you listen to podcasts.

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