Mental Resilience & Physical Fitness
Bradley Hecker is a law enforcement officer and an EMT who teaches law enforcement and military personnel the mental and physical skills they need to execute their missions. We talk about becoming mentally resilient and how to get back into physical fitness.
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Scott DeLuzio: 00:00:03 Thanks for tuning in to the Drive On Podcast, where we talk about issues affecting Veterans after they get out of the military. Before we get started, I'd like to ask a favor if you haven't done so already, please rate and review the show on Apple podcast. If you've already done that, thank you. These ratings help the show get discovered so it can reach a wider audience. And while you're there click the subscribe button so that you get notified of new episodes. As soon as they come out, if you don't use Apple podcasts, you can visit Drive On to find other ways of subscribing, including our email lists. I'm your host, Scott DeLuzio. And now let's get on with the show. Hi everyone, today, my guest is Bradley Hecker. Bradley is a law enforcement officer and an EMT. He also teaches law enforcement and military personnel. So, the, the mental and physical skills that they're going to need, in order to execute their missions. so Bradley, welcome to the show. maybe you can tell us a little bit more about your background, what you do and how you got started doing what you do.
Bradley Hecker: 00:01:09 Well, thank you for having me. I really appreciate it. so, it all started right after high school. I grew up in a house with a dad who was a cop and a grandfather who was an Army medic. So, I knew I wanted to do something along those lines, right out of high school. I went to an EMT course through college, and that sort of started to steer the path of the lights and sirens. The high intensity stuff was fun and I worked on the ambulance for a few years. I had quite a few new EMT students coming onto my ambulance. And I noticed a trend of more and more EMT students who are graduating, were telling other EMT students to ride on my ambulance. And I was very good preceptor and I realized there was something there about teaching that I was good at.
Bradley Hecker: 00:01:56 So I started teaching EMS and while all that was going on, I finally got the call from the state law enforcement agency that I worked for saying, “Hey, come on down, start the process.” And I went forward through the process and fast forward now I'm an EMT still. I actually am the team medic for a special unit that I serve on with my law enforcement agency. So, it all came roundabout and it's really cool to start one place, change paths, and then it all connects together. So that's the journey that I've been on.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:02:33 Yeah. And that's awesome to see how all of that blends together and how the skills that you took from one part of your life and you were able to apply that to your current career and what you're doing now. So that's pretty awesome to see how all of that blends together.
Bradley Hecker: 00:02:49 Yeah, absolutely. It's been a crazy journey so far and it's been a pretty short one. It hasn't been all that long, but it happens all very fast.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:02:57 And so what is it you're,
Scott DeLuzio: 00:03:00 into now? I know you do some training with some of the EMTs or you've done that in the past, but what is it that you're doing now in working with the military law enforcement to keep them on top of their game?
Bradley Hecker: 00:03:16 Yeah. So after realizing that I was a pretty good instructor and getting a lot of that, also none on the law enforcement side, whether it was helping someone prep for qualifications or someone had a fitness test coming up and I was helping them prepare for that. I started a company called Bread and Bash with a friend of mine Bash from back in high school, who is purely civilian, but I needed someone who understood the finance world and understood the legalities of starting a company and insurance. And I was strictly the operation side of things. And I said, “Hey, I have an idea for this company, in a state like New York where firearm laws are very strict and you can't exactly get the opportunities to train like you could outside in another state. I saw the opportunity here to start this program and see what we could do.
Bradley Hecker: 00:04:02 And it started off in the beginning with just civilians and law enforcement, military and military personnel that were interested in taking a class, but it wasn't mandatory. It was just, “Hey, if you want to get better at running an AR platform of the pistol shotgun, anything of the sort medical” they could, and slowly it evolved into them bringing that back to wherever they work, whether it's a law enforcement agency or a unit they're a part of, depending on what branch they're in. And they said, “Hey, you guys gotta check this out.” And then they sent cadre members to come to the class. And once their cadre saw what we were doing. They said, “you know what? We've got to get a contract on with these guys.” And it's been pretty cool. Recently, we taught a New York city corrections department, which is the second largest law enforcement agency in New York. We taught their transport division, the AR platform from the get-go. And they've never touched one before we put it in their hands. And we taught them how to not only feel confident with it, but confident enough to use it, as opposed to their sidearm, that became their new primary tool. So, it was a very cool thing to take someone who's never seen that and make them feel comfortable with it and use it should they need to.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:05:13 And so is there a physical component to what you do as well, nutrition, fitness, that type of thing as well?
Bradley Hecker: 00:05:24 We do a lot of it. It all comes together because unlike conventional, I won't use names of other companies, but some of their classes are very static, stand still at a target. That's not the reality of it. And I wouldn't say that majority of people listening to your show, who've been out there, whether they were combat arms or support MOS, they understood what it was like. They went through basic, they learned to be a soldier first. And going through all those challenges, they realized that was a big part of it. The entire time you have to be physically fit and physical fitness leads to mental fitness, right? When you are struggling through your day, that's a very challenging goal. If you get into a very sedentary lifestyle, you don't really have any mental fitness to gain through each day, but establishing a goal like physical fitness, which may not seem like much, it may be the same routine that you're doing, but it's a challenging goal.
Bradley Hecker: 00:06:17 And putting yourself through that keeps yourself mentally fit. So having that physical and mental fitness is a mandatory requirement, especially in today's world right now, with the way things are going at any second, it could basically turn into a combat zone, a war zone on a smaller scale for that officer who's out there. So, it is super important to keep your head on a swivel and maintain that level, if not exceed that level, that you're already at a physical and mental fitness to get there. So, a lot of the drills we run, they're not static at all. It requires dragging a dummy 50 yards and then taking shots from different positions and then pulling someone out of her car and carrying them 30 yards forward. And we do a bunch of different drills to simulate what they would experience in real world and hopefully, over prepare them. So whatever they do experience is not as bad
Scott DeLuzio: 00:07:08 And I guess the goal is to never have to actually use any of this type of training in a real world environment where you're actually dragging someone out of a car or whatever the case may be, where they're injured or incapacitated in some way. So hopefully these people never have to use it, but the mental preparation that they need to get into so that they know what to do. So they don't freeze and panic that's certainly valuable, but also realizing how much of a physical challenge it is to do that type of thing, is probably a challenge as well for a lot of these people, and probably an eyeopener, if they've never done some of this stuff with dragging a dummy, or whatever.
Bradley Hecker: 00:07:55 It definitely is. And I think for even some of the guys who are like total meatheads in my classes; they're showing up and their shirt is ripping right off their body, but they don't realize because they've been used to conventional weightlifting, which is not the reality of dead weight of a person. So, you have to really teach your body to work in different ways. And there are certain suggestions that I make, I personally do Brazilian jujitsu twice a week, just because you hit muscles you'll never hit besides learning a martial art learning to grapple, which is extremely important because every noncompliant arrest and law enforcement goes to the ground. So that teaches you to use your body in a different way than you're used to. And obviously it's a major part of fitness. My first few months in Brazilian jujitsu, I was so sore because I've never experienced muscle soreness in that way.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:08:46 Yeah. And from what I understand too, is that they're using muscles that you just don't typically use in those types of movements when you're on the floor and doing a jujitsu that way. So, a lot of the listeners of this show are Veterans, and I want to circle back to some of the fitness aspect of it. And it's because when you're in the military, there's a big effort probably very similar to the law enforcement. There's an effort to keep folks in shape but after you get out of the military, you sort of have to rely on your own willpower. People can come up with all sorts of excuses. Like they just can't find the time, or they can't afford a gym membership, things like that. So what advice do you have for people like that who might be in that type of situation?
Bradley Hecker: 00:09:36 I think the most difficult thing is once you find yourself in that situation, the longer that you're there, the easier it becomes to find those excuses, like you just mentioned, whether I can't find the time or I can't afford it, there's always a way when you want it bad enough, there's always a way to get whatever you want. And physical fitness is something that I look at quarantine right now. How many gyms have been closed across the world at least this country alone and people are making it work and you're finding different ways? The most important thing I would say is if you're not motivated enough, and you were reliant on whether it was an NCO who was on you about physical fitness or find that battle buddy that was the whole thing that kept you going, then you relied on your battle buddy.
Bradley Hecker: 00:10:20 And they relied on you; find someone in the outside world. And if necessary, I think it's even better to find someone who is in that same lifestyle that you were in, because they'll understand it. A lot of people are not going to understand, not having the motivation or not understanding why they can't get someone motivated the same way a drill Sergeant could in basic. That's a very intimidating thing. And most people don't understand that mentality and they need that extra push and it's not wrong to need that extra push. It usually is why people are shaped in such a disciplined way after that. Once you fall out of it, because slowly they start to give you that freedom. And once you have your own true freedom, you get that DD214 and now you're on your own.
Bradley Hecker: 00:11:03 Again, it becomes very easy to say, you know what, I just got out a week ago. Why would I work out right now? I want to enjoy myself a little bit. I want to start drinking beer nonstop; I get it. So, it's very easy to find yourself off that routine. And I would say the battle buddy is probably the number one option to keep yourself motivated. And it's also going to keep you even motivated because if someone else is having the same issue and you're pushing them, that's motivation for yourself without realizing it because you're trying to get them to the gym. So, you just trying to get them to the gym means that you're going to have to be there too.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:11:36 You can't get to the gym and then not show up yourself. That would be the wrong thing and the gym could be good and I'm not knocking getting a gym membership at all. But one of the downsides is you could be faced with a situation like we're in now where gyms just have to be closed and you can't rely on the gym to be there. I also see how it can also be used as a crutch or making that a crutch, maybe in more of an excuse to not exercise for example, if it's snowing outside and you don't want to get in the car and drive to the gym, so you're just going to stay in your nice warm bed or maybe you only have an hour to exercise or something like that
Scott DeLuzio: 00:12:24 and it takes you 15 minutes to drive to the gym, “Oh, I'm just not going to do it tonight.” You can almost use the gym as an excuse to not exercise. If you allow yourself, the gym is good and it should be something that you continue to use if that's what you want to use for exercising. But don't let that become an excuse either to not exercise if it's snowing out and you don't want to drive there, it doesn't mean that you can't find some exercises that you could do at home and stuff like that to continue to exercise.
Bradley Hecker: 00:13:02 Absolutely. I think the original fitness was calisthenics. It started off with people walking, right? People running, their training. If you're training strictly for a sprinting marathon runner thing, you don't need a treadmill. You're just running on the ground. If you're training for weightlifting and you don't have weights, get creative; what objects are around you. And the nice thing about objects around you that aren't conventional weights is that weight distribution isn't there. So now you're getting that new muscle soreness that you never experienced before. You're lifting awkward objects, a backpack filled with heavy textbooks that maybe your kid uses for school. You're using them for weightlifting. You have options like that as well as just pushups. How many times did you have to get on your face? You know, that's exactly what it is that they work for a reason and there's different kinds of pushups.
Bradley Hecker: 00:13:51 And that luckily in today's world, YouTube is a wonderful thing and there are so many things that you can learn off of YouTube. Exercises you didn't know existed, even stretching when you feel that tightness. And you're like, “wow, I didn't know that was possible to get rid of!” You learn it because of YouTube. I would say a majority of people learn a lot of things through YouTube now that they didn't even learn in school or in a classroom environment, that goes a long way, but you can definitely get creative. And like you said, it becomes another reason to say I'm not going to work out since the gym is closed. And that's where that determination is going to come in. And if you don't have it yourself, find someone else who's going to push you equally and use that together.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:14:32 Yeah. And so, you briefly mentioned a little bit earlier about how exercise and your physical fitness can have some pretty significant benefits outside of the obvious physical benefits. Could you talk a little bit about that? Some of the mental and things like that that come from exercise and being in good physical shape.
Bradley Hecker: 00:14:57 Yeah, absolutely. So starting off, like I mentioned earlier, when you are physically fit, you are going to be mentally fit now, not completely mentally fit, but you are going to start to increase your mental fitness. There can always be certain distractions that are always going to stay there, right? That are going to affect your mental fitness, but accomplishing a difficult task helps you feel better about how your day is going, any difficult tasks. So, if you had something at work, a project at work that has been on your mind for a long time, once you accomplish that project, it's a relief. It's a let go. And that's exactly what physical fitness can do. It. There are a lot of stressors that can build up in the human body. And physical fitness is actually one of the number one ways, according to studies to release those stresses, you release a lot of the chemicals that are bottled up inside the brain, similar to when you experience certain things in life that cause that same chemical release.
Bradley Hecker: 00:15:57 So physical fitness is an easy way to target because we know exactly what's going to happen when you work out. On top of that, there are a lot of times when you're feeling down, you're feeling out and you're feeling sluggish is the number one thing that happens. A lot of people feel sluggish. And especially if you were in the military and you remember what it used to be like when you could run. And now you're walking up one flight of stairs and you're huffing and puffing; you're starting to say. “what happened?” And I think a lot of times what deters people is they try to get back into it and they forget the struggle that it took to get to that point. And they start right from where they left off. And it's a big setback because you say, “I can't do this. This is too much!” Set those small goals. And those small goals will add up to where you were at. And along the way, each one of those small goals that you accomplish are another thing that make you feel better and feeling better leads to that better mental fitness.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:16:47 For sure. I think I've shared on this podcast before in another episode, but a couple of years ago, I challenge myself to do 50,000 pushups and sit ups during the course of a year and it wasn't exactly a year. It was actually a little bit less because I started a few months into the year, but by the end of the year, I wanted to do 50,000 pushups and sit ups. And there were some days where I just didn't want to wake up and do the pushups and the sit ups. And I knew I had like a certain amount that I would do every single day. And I did the math out. And by the end of the year, I would be good to go if I did that much.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:17:30 But if one morning I decided to wake up and just not do it and just skip it. I knew it would be impossible to hit that goal without doubling up the next day or increasing what I was doing the next day. So, I did it. I woke up every single day. I did the pushups. I did the ups and a small little achievement that I made that day towards the bigger picture of hitting this big goal of the pushups and sit ups at the end of the year. And to me each day that I did it, I woke up feeling like crap, I don't want to do this, but after doing it, I felt good that I accomplished something. And it was just that little thing.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:18:13 I mean, it was like 150 of each 150 sit ups, 150 pushups each day. And it was at first pretty difficult for me to do because I hadn't really done very many pushups, sit ups at that point, but it started getting easier over time. And it just became that accomplishment that I hit early on in the day. And then I hit the rest of the day running with knowing that I can accomplish anything. I set my mind to even these difficult things or things that I just didn't want to do. I could sit down and actually do it, because I gave myself that confidence by doing that. So that's like what you're saying.
Bradley Hecker: 00:18:59 It's absolutely exactly that. And on top of that, tell me that those days where it was a struggle to start off, but you finally got that over with didn't feel better than days where you woke up feeling great and said, you know what, let me bang these out and get them over with. It's totally different.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:19:15 Yeah, absolutely. And yeah, because you would wake up and have that sluggish feeling like I just want to hit the snooze button. I just want to keep sleeping for another hour or whatever it was. And, then you force yourself to get out of bed and it sucks. And it doesn't feel good while you're doing that. I get that. But afterwards, once when it's done and the energy is flowing, I'm up, I'm moving, I'm ready to go. It's early enough in the morning that I'm up before my wife, my kids, and things like that. And so, I was just hitting the ground running, starting off my day that way. And it really helped my mental state that way too. And it was so much better to actually be able to achieve that.
Bradley Hecker: 00:20:07 Absolutely. And the physical fitness side of it, when you're working out that consistently, your body's going to fall into a rhythm, it's going to want to sleep. A lot of people who have trouble sleeping, and that's why they have mental issues. When your body forces you to fall asleep, it starts to fall into a schedule. You're getting true sleep. You're hitting REM cycle sleep, which is super important. So when you're hitting that, you're waking up, you're forcing yourself up, you fall into that cycle. And when you're getting proper sleep, you're getting proper nutrition and another big part of it. A lot of people hate that part of it. You can't just lift weights and eat junk and expect to get results. But when you keep the nutrition, the sleep and the working out is your mental fitness will be through the roof. It's incredible. And then once you're at that point, what you can accomplish mentally is the biggest blockade pushing through that part. It's not the physical part; your body can go a lot further than your mind can. So, once you get into that rhythm, it's amazing how far you can get.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:21:06 And there was a Navy seal a while ago, and I am drawing a blank on his name. Oh, I'll try to look that up later on. But he had what he called the 40% rule. What that was, is when your mind has told you, I've had enough, I quit, I'm done maybe you're lifting weights or maybe you're running or whatever, and your body feels like it's smoked. And it can't do any more. What his theory was with this 40% rule is that you've only done about 40% of what your body is actually capable of doing at that point. And of course, that number varies person to person. Someone might be a lot more resilient and can push themselves a little bit further. But for the average person, they've really only done about 40% of what their body is actually truly capable of doing. It's really just your mind getting in the way and screwing you up that way.
Bradley Hecker: 00:22:03 That can't be further from the truth. That is majority of the time why people give up is because they just physically don't feel, “Oh, this hurts; I can't keep going,” but you can.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:22:13 Correct. I even saw that in my own life, the first time I ran a half marathon, I never ran that far before and so it was this big daunting task to move myself that 13. whatever miles and when I got about eight or nine miles in, I was like, I don't know if I could keep doing it and I got another four miles left and I don't know that I could keep going. But then I started taking a look at it as one mile was easy to run. And so, I just took a look at it as one mile at a time and I could just say, okay, I ran that mile and I'm just going to do it one more time. I'm just going to go run one more mile, and then I'm just going to run it.
Bradley Hecker: 00:23:01 Let me do one more. That was a big thing. When I went through the police Academy, that was a big thing. One of the cadre members kept saying, all you got to do is one more pushup. Maybe it's 25 times, maybe it's 50 times, but it's only one more. You can always do one more. And that mentality, it really can drive you.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:23:16 It certainly could. And like you were saying like pushups or something like that, like one pushup is not impossible for anybody to do one. You could push yourself to do that even if you haven't done them in years since you got out of the military. For me, it's almost 10 years now, I've been out of the military and I could still do a pushup. I could do many pushups one time, exactly. If you think about it, that way you started talking a little bit about diet and nutrition; how does that play into your overall, fitness level?
Bradley Hecker: 00:23:54 So it's actually going to be more important than physical fitness itself. You can't have one without the other, but when it breaks down to percentage, it's somewhere around 80% nutrition, 20% physical fitness is the breakdown for a healthy lifestyle, because you'll see there's many people who don't work out, but they're in fairly good physical shape. And that's just because they're giving their body the proper nutrition it needs and nothing more. And it's so easy in today's world because it's cheaper and it's more convenient to get a lot of fast food to get a lot of processed food, sugar, it's readily available. And the healthy stuff is usually more expensive, or it's a little bit more out of the way. Or if you're in a rush, it's easy to grab a quick burger from a drive through than it is to make a salad. And I'm not a salad person at all. I don't enjoy salads so I find other ways to get that same nutrition that I would need in a healthy way of doing it.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:24:57 And that actually does make a lot of sense. I do know some people who are like the people that you're talking about, who don't really exercise all that much but they do eat healthy and they look healthy they're not overweight. And they have good physical appearance as far as their body's concerned and things like that. So, it makes a lot of sense. And I heard someone tell me a little while ago that they were talking to their doctor about their weight. And their doctor said that you can't outrun the fork. Like you can exercise all you want, but those calories you can easily eat more than you could possibly burn off by running unless you're just constantly running or swimming or whatever the case may be. The bottom line is you're not going to go for a five-mile run and burn off the cake and the ice cream and the cookies and the donuts and everything else that you're eating.
Bradley Hecker: 00:26:07 It's absolutely true. A calorie's a calorie and where you get it from is not going to make the difference, but a donut that contains a thousand calories and celery, which is almost negative calories, it takes you burn more calories, chewing it. Then you do gain anything from it. So you can see how much food you can actually eat. So for someone who says, they like to eat a lot, you can put a lot of food into your body in one day, but putting the right food, which is low calorie, but the proper nutrition, the proper macros that you need are going to set yourself up for success.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:26:37 Now, someone who maybe doesn't know what the right amount of food or the right kinds of food or things like that and I imagine it might be a little bit different for each person in terms of what their calorie needs are, depending on their lifestyle, if they have an active job or things like that, someone in the military or law enforcement or something like that might be a little bit more physically active than someone who's working an office job where they're sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day. How would someone go about figuring that type of stuff out so that they know what the appropriate amount of food or types of food are for them?
Bradley Hecker: 00:27:19 Sure. Well, like I said earlier, there's an infinite amount of information on the internet. It's a wonderful place. YouTube is a wonderful place. The thing that you have to be careful of is falling into these fad diets. It's very easy to say “Oh, low carb is the way everybody says low carb.” You want to get good. Everybody knows protein is good for you and carbs are the enemy. But if you are one of those people who have one of those high intensity jobs, you're on your feet all day, you work construction, you're carrying a lot of heavy things. Carbs are energy, you rely on them. So all of a sudden you're starting to feel sluggish. You're starting to lose weight. You're not losing healthy weight. You're not losing the weight appropriately. You're starving your body. You're depleting it of what it needs. So when it comes to nutrition, it is very important to speak to someone in your area, whether it be your primary care physician or a nutritionist or a dietician, they can set you on the right path for your body mass index for your weight. So I had a friend who was a bodybuilder truly like ripped Jack beyond belief. And when he was weighing in at the police Academy, he was listed as obese and everybody laughed,
Scott DeLuzio: 00:28:29 But probably not enough fat on him. Right?
Bradley Hecker: 00:28:32 It's exactly that because they're going by a standard, which can't be applied unless it's the average person who is very minimally physically fit.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:28:41 Right. To wrap all this up and tie everything together here, what would be some advice that you might have for someone who's struggling with their health or fitness? Maybe even their mental health in terms of feeling low energy sluggish and that type of thing. Maybe someone who's struggling to find the motivation to exercise or maybe they even feel like they're doing all the right things, just aren't seeing the results. What advice might you have for them?
Bradley Hecker: 00:29:12 I think the best advice I'm going to have is it's going to be asked for that help from whoever you think is going to be able to provide you that help. You know, a lot of times I think people get very frustrated. They see their friend on Instagram or Facebook, some social media platform who likes to post their workout of the day and they're dripping sweat and with their six pack showing. And they're talking about how they just completed a tough Mudder or some really difficult physical challenge. A lot of people who are not in that shape and don't want to admit that they're intimidated by and would get tired. I don't want to see this post anymore. This guy is so annoying and you start blocking them out, embrace them. They're the answer. They were probably where you are. And the reason they want to get physically fit is to accomplish those tasks.
Bradley Hecker: 00:29:54 Maybe it was to show it off. You want to show off something you're proud of. You bought a brand new Corvette. You want to show that off. It's the same thing. You worked really hard on your tasks, which in your case may be physical fitness, show it off. It's a good mentality. And you never know who you're going to motivate after that. So those same people that might be frustrating, embrace them. “Hey, what are your secrets? What are you doing?” That guy in the barracks during basic whose bed was his rack was perfectly made. What are you doing that I can't get this fold down? Same thing. You go to them and ask them what they're doing. It's that same mentality. Ask for help from people who seem to know what they're doing.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:30:30 Yeah, absolutely. That's great advice. I think for, not just fitness or any of that type of stuff, it's really good advice for anything. If you see someone who is hitting it out of the park with whatever it is that they're doing and you want to be in that position, ask them. Go in and say, “Hey, what is it that you're doing that is making this look so damn easy but asking for help is an okay thing to do. And, I think one thing though, I will caution people of is, if you are relying on social media for checking out what other people are doing and things like that, and you're comparing yourself to that, just know that nobody posts their B or C game on there. It's all their A games. So, if you're comparing that and feeling inadequate or whatever, they screwed up too from time to time. And they just don't post that.
Bradley Hecker: 00:31:31 The people that usually are influencers and this does fall into myself, because I do try to influence people into positive things, into the lifestyle that I live. If they feel that they relate to my lifestyle, you're always going to post that the most motivational ones are the ones who post their down days, but you don't see them too often. That's not the money shot that they're trying to portray. So keep in mind, like you said, that they're never going to post or very rarely are they going to post what they're going through, but when you see shows like the Biggest Loser, where you're seeing the before and you're watching the journey, those are the ones that truly are looking to motivate you because they want to show you they've been there and they understand.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:32:10 Sure. Yeah. And they've definitely been there and they know what's going on. So, you mentioned your company, the Brad and Bash Company. Before we wrap up, do you want to tell people where they can find more information about what it is that you do and the services that you offer or how to get in touch with you?
Bradley Hecker: 00:32:35 Absolutely. The best way to reach out to us in today's world of social media is our number one thing. It's @BradandBash. You can also visit our website, If you're interested in anything related to firearms, medicine, tactical training, it's all right there. We have classes that we travel around the country doing. We do that mostly in the Tristate area, but we do go down South towards Florida. We've done some stuff in Texas, and we pop up regularly. So, if you're a part of an organization that's voluntary or it's a government organization, you're interested in having us come out and teach whatever it is, our cadre members vary all across from military law enforcement, special units, SWAT teams, some Rangers that we have. So, there's a lot of guys with a lot of different experience from different areas that we all try to bring together program that's best suited for what you're looking for. And that can include physical fitness. If necessary, we do have some certified trainers on our staff.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:33:36 Wonderful. I'll have links to all of this in the show notes. So, anyone who's listening can find it there and it'll be there after this episode is posted. So, you can always come back and find it through the show notes there. Thank you again for joining me, really enjoyed the conversation and enjoyed the advice that you had. I think this type of stuff can really help some people out. So thank you for joining us. Thanks for having me.
Scott DeLuzio: 00:34:10 Thanks for listening to the Drive On Podcast. If you want to check out more episodes or learn more about the show, you can visit our website, Drive On We're on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @ Drive On Podcast.