
Reminiscing about SGT Steven DeLuzio and Bubble Gum

Guest: Wes Black

In this episode, we pick up where we left off and begin by talking about my brother Steven. Wes was on the mission that Steven was killed on, so he opens up about how that mission went. Wes and I also share some light hearted stories about Steven that are sure to get a laugh. If you knew my brother, you’d know that it’s hard to tell a story – even one about his death – without there being a funny story involved.

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Burn Pits, the VA, and Keeping a Positive Attitude

Guest: Wes Black

This is part 1 of a 2 part episode. Wes Black served with my brother in Iraq and Afghanistan. In this episode, we talk about burn pits, the care veterans get at the VA, and how to keep a positive attitude even when faced with a terrible situation.

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