
Reflections of a Gold Star Mother

Guest: Diane DeLuzio

In this episode my mother, Diane DeLuzio, shares what it is like to be a Gold Star Mother after losing her son (my brother) in Afghanistan. We talk about the coping mechanisms she used and how that turned into an outlet to help others. Links and Resources About Gold Star Mothers founding mother, Grace Darling…

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Reminiscing about SGT Steven DeLuzio and Bubble Gum

Guest: Wes Black

In this episode, we pick up where we left off and begin by talking about my brother Steven. Wes was on the mission that Steven was killed on, so he opens up about how that mission went. Wes and I also share some light hearted stories about Steven that are sure to get a laugh. If you knew my brother, you’d know that it’s hard to tell a story – even one about his death – without there being a funny story involved.

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Honoring The Sacrifice of SGT Steven DeLuzio

Guest: Scott DeLuzio

In this special podcast episode, I am remembering the 9 year anniversary of the death of my brother, SGT Steven DeLuzio, which is coming up later this week on August 22nd. I’m sharing memories and lessons that I learned from losing someone so close to me.

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A Gold Star Brother on Loss and Legacy

Guest: Chris Weir

Chris Weir is a Gold Star brother, who lost his brother David in Iraq. I wanted to have Chris on the show to discuss what he experienced in losing his brother, and how he eventually made the decision to follow his brother’s path and join the 101st Airborne where his brother previously served.

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