Missile Attacks, TBIs, and New Beginnings
In this episode, army veteran Aaron Futrell shares an in-depth recounting of his dramatic life-altering experience following a missile strike on Al Asad Air Base in January 2020. This story unfolds Futrell’s resilience and determination as he navigated from recovering from a traumatic brain injury to transitioning to civilian life after being medically retired from the army. Despite adversities, hear how Aaron channeled his passion for fishing into a successful business and his unwavering commitment to giving back to fellow veterans through voluntary initiatives. Tune in for an inspirational journey of hope, strength, and resilience that perfectly captures the essence of the military community.
Links & Resources
- Veteran Suicide & Crisis Line: Dial 988, then press 1
- Books on Hunting by Aaron Futrell: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AAaron+B.+Futrell&s=relevancerank&text=Aaron+B.+Futrell&ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1