Family and Relationships

Leave No Marriage Behind

Guest: Daniel Faust

Daniel Faust from Learn & Live talks about helping veterans thrive at home, at work, and everywhere in between.

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Confident Couples and Strong Relationships

Guest: Bud & Sara Dunn

Bud and Sara Dunn are co-hosts of the Confident Couples podcast. In this episode we’ll break down what it takes to build and maintain a strong relationship.

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Soldier, Military Spouse, And Mother On Deployments With A Newborn

Guest: Natalie Sanders

Natalie talks about some of the struggles she faced as a new mom who gave birth to her first child just before her husband was deployed. She was able to lean on the support network on base through Facebook groups and classes as well as nearby family to help her out.

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From Homeless Veteran to Successful Business Owner

Guest: Seth Shoultes

Seth Shoultes is an Air Force Veteran who became a successful entrepreneur. His path to get to where he is today wasn’t an easy one. Seth struggled with homelessness after deciding to get away from the toxic situation he found himself in.

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A Military Spouse’s Point of View on Parenting and Deployment

Guest: Vicki DeLuzio

My wife, Vicki DeLuzio talks to us about being a new mother while I was deployed and some of the struggles that came along with that.

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Help Others By Helping Yourself

Guest: Scott DeLuzio

Transcript Think back to basic training when you learned combat lifesaving skills. Or maybe you learned this later on in your military career. I don’t know when everyone is first introduced to it, or even if all MOS’s are taught these skills. As an infantryman I know we had our first exposure to this medical…

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Guest: Scott DeLuzio

From the episode: It’s funny how we sometimes expect that other people will know exactly what we’re thinking. We also assume that we know exactly what other people are thinking. Think about when you were in the military. Every aspect of a mission was communicated from the officers down to the lower enlisted. Everyone knew…

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Dealing With Civilian Pettiness

Guest: Scott DeLuzio

It seems like people complain about everything from getting a coffee order wrong to it being too hot or cold outside. While complaining about these things isn’t something new, it is something we often times see as an annoyance. But what if we reframed our thinking? What if we looked at these complaints as if…

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